Sunday 9 April 2017

Earth - Down But Not Out

People have told me they like the way Earth is portrayed in the Convergent Space books.  Every writer likes to be original so I'm quite pleased a lot of people have latched onto this aspect of my books in their reviews and comments.
Often in sci-fi, Earth is either the main force in the story or – in galaxy-spanning Space Opera's like those of the late Iain M. Banks – it doesn't feature at all.  The latter is actually safer if you're trying to write an original imaginative story because as soon as you make your book about Earth you fall foul of real history - and the present.  That can be limiting and no sci-fi writer wants that!
In the Convergent Space universe, Earth is neither powerful nor absent.  When we pick up the story, Earth is downtrodden and pretty much hated by everyone (and there is a reason for this).
Don't get me wrong, in all three books in the series, the main characters are from Earth, and the actions of humans have a profound effect on the destiny of the galaxy but Earth itself isn’t powerful, respected or relevant as a political force. It looms in the background, thwarted and frustrated, hoping to regain past glories.

And maybe it will...

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