Monday 10 June 2013

The ship didn't even have a name

With the tragic death of Iain Banks - I wanted to share how he and I were finally linked a few hours too late for him to ever know.

For as long as I can remember I've wanted to write science fiction. I wanted to write about alien species, galactic journeys and space-faring adventurers. At school they said I was a good writer but I needed to grow up and write about the real world. Eventually I listened. First I stopped writing sci-fi and then I stopped reading it.
That was a huge mistake. Now I'm older I realise everyone should follow their own path.
But it was only when I picked up Consider Phlebas and read the opening line ‘The ship didn't even have a name' that the upside-down world I'd inhabited for years finally righted itself. With his original brand of sci-fi, full of incredible new species, intelligent spacecraft and underhand galactic politics, Iain Banks brought me back to the genre after years in exile. First I returned to reading it and then - tentatively with one look over my shoulder for my English teacher - I went back to writing it.
I have Iain Banks solely to thank for my reintroduction to sci-fi but that's not my only link with him. We used to live around the corner from each other in Edinburgh, he used to drink in the same pub as me and when I moved to Fife he moved there too, just a mile or two away. I used to joke that he was stalking me.
The tenuous links continued when I wrote a couple of my own science fiction books, one of which – Convergent Space – was mildly successful and was compared to Banks by one or two very kind reviewers. I often wondered whether Banks would one day hear about me or maybe read one of my books. What an accolade that would be.
To Iain Banks of course, I am the ship that didn't even have a name. He didn't know we used to drink in the same pub, live around the corner from each other or that we both chose to move from one place to another place at the same time. He didn't know me from Adam. Nor is he likely to have read any of my books.
But on the day he died the BBC News picked up the tweet I'd written in tribute to him and used it in their main article announcing his death. Finally, too late for him to ever know, my name was momentarily linked with his - and for real this time.

You can still read the BBC article where my quote appears. My dedication (quite rightly) is just above Alex Salmond's. If you want to sample my pale imitation books, they're here on Amazon - Convergent Space Series

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